Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Bluetooth Heaven

I don't know what Apple did to debug the problems they were having with the new Bluetooth keyboard I bought from them in good faith, and I don't particularly care. The only emotional issue for me all along was that I felt gypped. I felt like a chump. I couldn't prove it, but I slowly embraced the distinct feeling they knew it wasn't a finished product, and didn't particularly care whether i was inconvenienced by their underhanded misdirection or not.

Another embarrassing dilemma was that I knew with some jaunty aforethought that I would really like the small footprint of the keyboard just by itself, and I truly did and do. That was the chief feature of the product I was drawn to originally. It is just enough, and yet all I need a input device for. The fact that it was wireless didn't mean much in my original assessment. I prefer wired peripherals.

I never realized what an inconvenience the numerical pad is to a right-handed person until I used the smaller keyboard that came without it. The full keyboard is nearly 12 inches (30 cm) wider than the Bluetooth model. With the abridged version, I don't have to reach out so far to work the mouse.

On the other hand, I was not all that unhappy with the USB wired version of the new aluminum keyboard i bought to replace it and get some stability in my writing time. The wired version has the same quick touch I like, and has a more stable feeling on the desk beneath my fingers. Both of the new aluminum keyboards are much easier for me to use. I'm a huge fan.

As wacky as this Bluetooth device was acting previously, it seems rock solid after two whole days of fairly continuous use. Not one hiccup. I'm surprised it could be fixed with a software upgrade (I knew they knew!!). I kinda figured it was some sort of hardware problem. I looked into a lot of external Bluetooth antennas and/or any other solution I might stumble across to get it to work. I didn't find a viable solution. No joy in Muddville. I turned Bluetooth off on my Mac Mini, put my Bluetooth wireless keyboard back in the box it came in, and half-heartedly prayed for rain.

This successful software upgrade might prove to be less than perfect down the road, but for now it seems satisfactorily debugged. It works as advertised. What else matters? I'm probably basing my optimism on how irritating it was before the upgrade.

Judging the future by the past might seem like an ill-advised yardstick for assessing digital woes. I was a liberal arts major in college and studied acting. Technically, I'm not all that clever. I don't care so much. I have other skills clever people seem willing to barter for.

I'm not invested in Apple's stock or any other stock. I just want the fairly expensive digital tools I pay through the nose for to work in the way I need for them to. In the end game, they're appliances of convenience like a microwave oven. I use them to cook with. I grew up using horse-drawn tools. I have certain unrealistic expectations. I appear to ken the big picture in an oddball sort of way. I was an early adopter in a plausible, but not very convincing way. I sorta know what I want to use some chosen technology for. But if it's broken, bring in the clowns,

I don't know how grateful I feel toward Apple for finally getting around to fixing something they sold me as a finished goods. I bought my first Mac in '88, this Mac Mini ain't my first rodeo, but I am glad they finally done the right thing in the long run. I bought into this cute little keyboard impulsively. I don't indulge many temptations like this. It makes me happy Apple has finally helped me to not regret my foolish nature.