Yesterday my youngest brother and I rode together to Fayetteville for different reasons, but we got done what needed to be done in good humor. He had to drive over the company headquarters of a company he has spent the last few years working for to pick up some video he will turn into a safety film the Army Corps of Engineers has begun requiring of it's contractors. I went along to check out a health food store I didn't know existed until the last couple of days.
The health food store is called The Apple Crate. They carried the sprouting seeds I needed. A fairly large bag of them only cost $8. That's the most reasonable price I've encountered. Radish seeds. They're really tasty. I make myself a sandwich with alfalfa and radish sprouts with some mayonnaise and eat it up.
Later, I juiced up some wheatgrass along with a couple of apples and three medium-sized carrot and took my time drinking it. The wheatgrass juice is so powerful the taste and my light revulsion of it makes it an ordeal. That's what the apples and carrots are for. To lighten the load of the wheatgrass juice.
I read another article on health this morning about some doctor who claims to cure people with raw food diets. This article led me to a youtube video of an interview he gave about his medical doctrine for diagnosis. I'm not as impressed with him as he seems to be:
I went over to Rainey's house for a while last night. He had stopped and bought some fast food at Hardee's and I brought some alfalfas sprouts and bread. We played some music together. He wanted me to check out this guitar he has for sale. It's a nice guitar. I forgot the brand name. Rainey played his mandolin. I don't know exactly how long he's been concentrating on mandolin, maybe a couple of years. He's getting mo' bettah, but he's a great guitar player.
I'm not a great guitar player, but now I know how I could be if I was interested and thought I'd live long enough. I feel like I'm getting to the place where the scales I play on my digital piano each day is really paying off for me. I'm the only one who knows that.
Playing the scales teaches me about the instrument itself. I could do the same thing by playing the scales on the guitar or even the fiddle. We both played the fiddle a little bit last night. It's kinda challenging. Rainey taught me the chord structure of one of the Old Time Music songs he plays with his followers at their regular Wednesday meetings.
One of the items I bought at the terrific new (to me) health food store was some kelp granules. I'm interested in finding out for myself if a teaspoon of kelp added to the alfalfa seeds in their initial soak to get them to germinate will provide the micronutrients the seeds need to make themselves into the best little sprouts possible.
I prepared two wide-mouth Kerr canning jars by placing two tablespoons of alfalfa seed in each jar. In one of the jars I added the kelp granules, and the other jar got none. I added the water to soak them, and then tomorrow morning I'll drain the water out of them to let them germinate.
I looked at the jar with the kelp in it a few minutes ago. The kelp was dry when I put it in, but now it's been saturated with water and it looks fairly slimy in there. I don't expect that to be a problem because it will probably find it's way out of the jar when I dump the soaking water out to let the germination process begin.
The kelp might need to stay with the seeds as long as possible in order for the germinating seeds to absorb the sought-for micronutrients. That's why I started the other jar with no kelp in it at the same time. That's the only way I think I might be able to tell if the kelp makes a difference. What with the two jars being side-by-side. Even with that I might not be able to see a difference even if there is one. I'll wait.