Saturday, April 11, 2009

Figuratively Speaking, A Departure From Commonality

The quote below was taken from the video I linked in my previous entry.

"The difference between monads and souls is that in the latter the degree of perception is more distinct and that souls are accompanied by memory. "

The author of this statement appears to be the same person who made the video. He was explaining Leibniz's theory of monadology as he understood it. Leibniz has been quite dead for a couple of hundred years or so. He's not objecting. I'm only familiar with Leibniz's name being tossed around with other famous dead philosopher guys. The content of the video is as much as I've been exposed to about Leibniz's point of view, and only now because I've been exploring different views on monadology.

Despite my ignorance of Leibniz's philosophy in general and particular, the last part of the statement/quote is what struck me subjectively, "that souls are accompanied by memory. " I collect figurative quotes about what a soul is. I've never been absolutely sure what people are talking about when they talk about souls.

It's my own indecisiveness that drives me nuts about this. A nutty thing for me to do in this regard would be to nail some poor "soul" to the cross and demand to know they identity. Grilling someone to the third degree about some statement they only made to impress their current girlfriend is no way "to win friends and influence people".

If I could just find a suitable definition for the term "soul" I might abandon my envious attitude toward people who are happy with what they've got. Bastards! Bitches! All assholes. Why am I always the last to know?

The introductory quote, whether by the video author or Leibniz himself doesn't really matter to me. What does matter to me is how I've described what accompanied me here in the non-ex-is-tense of what I've been calling the pearl, but seem fond now of thinking of it as a teeny tiny black hole.

According to what I'm getting from all these videos about Leibniz I've been watching this pearl-like black hole thing-a-ma-bob possesses memory, and thus is not a monad. Monads are just like they're spelled. Singularities.

I've written a lot about memores, but I've never actually thought of them as extensions of a self-integrating monad. Me-mores are an extension of a monad. There is more to me than the other can see. There are two other extensions in the stories I've told about my remembering vision. There could be more. Three is enough.

The three parts/extensions accompanying the nomadic monad is memory, curiosity, and volition. That's the figurative makeup of a soul. Well, at least for a day or two...