My brother found this picture of me from when I was in the Navy. I'm standing next to my battle station on the torpedo deck.
I almost forgot to write an entry today. It's not that I've been particularly busy or even had a lot on my mind. I think it's the natural peace and good will that comes with the three days of the winter solstice.
Many, if not most religions try to claim this peaceful feeling as a result of their world saviors and Gods, but I don't need any other reason than watching the days get shorter each day for the last six months. That serves as a subtle, yet ominous warning that gets more unconsciously worrisome as the nights get longer.
Then, usually on December 21st each year in the northern hemisphere it stops doing that. After a couple of short days and long nights more... the next night is shorter and the cycle renews itself. The holiday blues are over whether you like it or not. That really is something to celebrate. On Christmas and New Year's Eve both!
If studying astrology fairly actively for around twenty years didn't serve any other useful purpose than to make me aware of the equinoxes and the solstices it's been worth it to take the ridicule from the nerds. The nerds never did actually cause me much pause in this regard. Particularly when I got smart and started reading palms. I have literally read more than one rocket scientist's palm more than one ti-me. They co-me back.
I think some people make themselves so special through their work and education that people soon forget they're still human. In my not so respectable opinion it's difficult, if not impossible, to forget you're human if you offer me your hand in order for me to read the lines on your palm.
That's part of the deal. I know what to say while you're holding hands with me to make you sexually aroused to so-me degree. Even rocket scientists get sexually aroused when they're being treated as a warm-blooded animal. That's why people go to church. At least the further south ya go. They wanna get juiced up for Jesus. LOL
Homo sapiens in general will pay good money to watch animals including and especially human animals fight to the death. Either that or as close as legally possible. This murderous blood lust always simmers just below the surface of civilizations. People still pay good money to watch gladiators fight on the sports arenas and they flock to the NasCar race tracks to watch the blood fly. No blame.
Human beings are not only animals, but the most successful killing machines ever self-generated. I read an internet article recently about research that revealed that a large majority of the general populace would murder somebody if they were legally absolved of it. Ruwanda and other wars of genocide pretty much proves that point.
There is something stupidly dangerous about raising your kids to think it's wrong to kill when just believing that could get them killed by people who know how the world is and just do it. Observing the Ten Commandments in the wrong place can be a death warrant.
The Omega juicer I bought does a good job of squeezing the juice out of the apples, carrots, leafy lettuce, and wheatgrass I shove in it. This morning I harvested some of the wheatgrass me and my sister-in-law grew, and I was a little surprised at how much juice came out of the little bit of grass I put in it.
The juice I'm making seems to be making a different in the constipation problems I've had due to the prescription drugs I'm taking for rheumatoid arthritis. The fact that things have been coming out well is probably due to my not eating meat as much as juicing. I seem even more convinced the crisis I had that brought the RA diagnosis was brought on by the low carb diet I went on for a couple of years.
When I win the lottery I'm going to buy me a house near a reputable farmers market that has a spacious kitchen in it, and a fiber optic line straight into my house with all the entertainment stuff all hooked up to it. Preparing my raw foods and writing is about all I got time for any more.
On the 26th I'm gonna break my raw diet to eat my older sister's shrimp curry. I'm sure she would understand if I just said "No.", but I'm not sure I would understand, because I'm just trying to see what kind of diet will serve me best, not get all militant and prudish.