Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Inevitability Of Genocide

"We all stand on the shoulders of giants, Felix. Without the ideas of others we'd be picking berries in the woods and thinking the world is flat. That others have discovered the Golden Rule doesn't diminish it's fundamental strength." 

Why does China need brilliant scientists and weapons to conquer us when it has the world literally eating contaminated wheat gluten out of it's hand via a bunch of hicks from Arkansas? They're not really American citizens any more. Why restrict themselves to fidelity to any one political system or acknowledge their borders? If its profitable to kill the brains of Americans to put the country down, there's no reason for them not to do it, they've stopped fucking themselves into oblivion by controlling their population.

The USA is purportedly the richest, most powerful country in the entire world. What King are the Tea-Party idiots protesting against? Certainly not the King of England. They don't have one anymore. They lost their Empire when they turned the reins over to Ol' Horseface. To whom are these perpetually indignant dummies protesting? The world wants to know or maybe not.

The military/industrial complex such as the people from Arkansas support appear to now consider themselves world citizens... and not particularly loyal to one set of political ideals over the other as long as there is a profit to be made? They can easily go live in Dubai or any other place designed exclusively for such "world citizens" where they live like giants atop a beanstalk. Fee, fie, foe, fum...

 While I personally think keeping pets is rather stupid, and don't seem all that emotionally invested in the results that contaminated pet food that killed millions of pets who died in agony from kidney failure, the fact that they also make human food in China to export to America may not be all that ignorable. 

How long would it take China's food supply system to slowly poison the residents of the world with minute doses of chemicals that would take away the eater's ability to struggle against be-co-me-ing a virtual zombie? Not long I suspect. The dogs and cats that the Chinese food companies systematically murdered could be only the first wave to rid the world of it's genetic impurities? Here we go again? 


What did you have for breakfast? Did all of the food you ate come from only four or five giant-shouldered corporations? Is the progress served up by these "giants of industry" a step up in the evolution of man or another exhibition of total greed and an unsatisfiable hunger for more money at the price of hundreds of millions of lives? Are you completely sure they're not standing on us with their hob-nailed boots instead? 

The world, or rather my world... perhaps the world... seems at a temporary standstill of some sort. Slow e-mail day. It's just a feeling I've noticed since the last Presidential Election, and the undignified controversy over the healthcare bill. These events generated so much political attention I guess I never got a grip on it. I voted for Obama and for his promised healthcare although I didn't need it because of the VA, and now that it passed the tension I felt toward these political ends has eased off noticeably.

The same sort of calm came after the Civil Rights Bills passed, and then its true leader was martyred. It could happen again. It wouldn't surprise me to start hearing Obama prophesy his own death like MLK did after his work was done. In a way I feel vindicated that the same people who put the final quietus on my cultural heritage so that I had to go through the motions of learning a completely new one finally got their's with Obama's election to the Presidency of the United States. The nation of emigrants wins again.

I think the United States has to stay a nation of emigrants or we're just fucked. The emigrants are the ones who keep the principles of liberty alive. Who couldn't see that the white majority wasn't trying to get things to go their way instead of what's good for the country as a whole? If any one race or original nationality takes over then they'll try to eliminate the others, and that's why the emigrants came here in the first place. To get away from the madness of racial and religious domination. Genocide.