Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Duckbill Soup

The weather seems atypical, but I know from the past that it's not really. We almost entered a pretty good drought when suddenly the bottom fell out and it rained for what seemed like forty days and forty nights. It didn't really, it just seemed that way. Despite the early fears of crop failure the corn is as high as an elephant's eye. In fact, we just had a shower that cooled the surface of things, but the sun is so hot it evaporates right in front of my eyes. The long hot, steamy days of summer are already here.

It's a good thing I'm not spending much money on food these days. I'm gwine need it to pay my electric bill for running my air conditioner. I'm ever so pleased it does run. I thought for a long while it was broke. I play games with it trying to save money, but also in order to see how well my body can adapt to the heat. I woke up in excruciating pain. I took a 600 mg capsule of ibuprofen on an empty stomach to see if that would help. I was kind of shocked that it really did.

I went back to bed after I took the ibuprofen, and when I woke up again I felt much better. Almost normal, whatever that means. Then, I took the other medicine and supplements I cram into my body, and included a pain-killer to boot. I've felt fairly decent ever since.

The Thomas e-mail discussion group seems to have gone kaput for sure this time. Nobody seems to wanna discuss anything anymore. It's hard to keep a discussion group going without any discussion. The fact that the group is based on discussing the merits or not of 114 saying means that we're gonna run outta things to say about those saying in a couple of years.

Some of us have been participating in some way or the other for 7-8 years. The veteran members don't write about the saying much any more, and barely tolerate any stray newbies that may pop in on the scene to play the innocent. Burnout? One member suggested the quest wasn't over until the seeker forgot what they were looking for, and who it was that originally wanted to know. That description makes good sense to me.