Reading about piezo electricity over the years has not make me an expert in this field of study, but I've read enough articles about how it works over the years that I've learned to appreciate the consumer products various people who are experts in this field have generated through genius and invention:
These people are making microphones and audio speakers that are incredibly small. Sure, that will make more room inside the already cramped living quarters of the digital guts of smartphones, but I think it's gonna lead to something else that goes beyond speaking and hearing in order for humans to communicate. Instantaneity? Real things happen real fast? They don't wait to be interpreted to change the world?
The disclaimer I publish occasionally really comes into play in regard to this subject because its further out there than the mundane topics I normally decimate by triviality. These drifting thoughts may actually apply. That's because they're not necessarily abstract constructions.
I don't know irrefutably that these particular drifting thoughts aren't man made from ideas. They could have been given being by humans. My true sentiments, currently, is that these kinds of drifting thoughts are almost impossible to capture with words.
The fact that I unknowing stumble across them while seeking something easy to write about manifests their presence by how entangled life becomes when I can't find an easy way out. These types of drifting thoughts are not thoughts at all, and that's why I can't make something of them.
I guess the last paragraph defines my real position on this topic. Some of the "objects" I encounter when I'm looking for drifting thoughts to capture with my limited vocabulary are not drifting thoughts at all, but so-me-thing beyond the pale of reason. Something I can't acquire by not-so-subtle begging.
I am is a begging fool. Who could it tell that to for acknowledgement? Who could it brag to in order to swell with pride at receiving their compliments and congratulations for such an incredible accomplishment? Instead, in lonely frustration it merely swims with the invisible fishes.
Whether or not the entities I encounter in the dreamtime have a life of their own or a life I conjured up for them may have something to do with a statement I wrote yesterday about the separation of the body and soul. Especially the remark that breath is "of" the soul. By that I mean that something decides to initiate each cycle of breath the body demands, and it ain't "of" the body that does it.
I don't know what I read online yesterday that got me off on that path of inquiry. It may have been something I wrote about breathing. "Breath is of the soul." Indeed, how could it not be? Maybe this topic is another of the non-human, unconstructed non-thoughts I so-me-ti-me encounter.
There is a certain way I can breath when I want to that acts as an indicator of how "breath is of the soul". I don't know if it's true, but if it is possible to discern or to discriminate among the various clues that show up when I'm deliberately meditating, it's what happens when I get the breathing right.
The effort I made writing about this yesterday never seemed to get across the point that getting my breathing right can happen from any of the chakra points, although the rituals and techniques I've learned or discovered for getting my breathing right while hovering in any one or the other of these centres, may differ wildly.
The point I was trying to make is that if I get my breathing right anywhere, that deliberate act automagically gets my breathing right at all the other chakras simultaneously. It seems to be an all or nothing proposition, but the real experts may call me a fool. No blame.
No matter how I get there, when my breathing is right, there is a feeling of separation I haven't been able to put my finger on. It's not quite kinesthetic. It is not "of the body", this feeling of separation isn't, but not "of the soul" either. Well, there you go. I've contradicted myself again almost immediately. Maybe breathing is not "of" either the body or soul, but is it's own worst enemy.
"We three.
We're all alone.
Lost in a world
we call our own.
My echo,
My shadow,
and me."
~ The Mills Brothers