Friday, July 16, 2010

Random Noises Queers My Concentration

The fact that I'm going to bed earlier than ever and getting up when I can't sleep anymore snuck up on me like a thief in the night. I got up this morning after I had woke up to go to the bathroom, and then I found it impossible to go back to sleep again, so I got up and came downstairs to see if I had any e-mail. Hmmmm...

It is! Moving my computer downstairs is the culprit behind my irregular sleeping patterns. Ever since lightning ruined my ___ socket and I had to get a wireless router to get online, I can carry my iMac to any room in my house, plug it into a wall socket for electricity, and I'm good to go online.

The dilemma that's screwed up my nocturnal habits is not caused by my moving my computer downstairs. The problem is that I didn't move my digital TV downstairs at the same time. If I wanna do what I wanna do on my computer I gotta come downstairs, but if I want to watch television I have to go upstairs.

I left the television upstairs because it's setup to be conveniently watched when I'm laying in bed. In the past, I wasn't watching much TV but for the news sometime, and the late night shows for the comedy. It's easier for me to know what the public is generally paying attention to by listening the monologue jokes.

Going up and down to do something I did simultaneously when my computer was upstairs is probably what's got my days and nights confused. Except for when I might go to bed in preparation for watching the late night show, I usually watched TV while sitting in front of my computer. Many times with the Mute button in full operation because noise queers my concentration and I find it impossible to compose words and listen to extraneous presentations at the sa-me ti-me.

Having Mercury in Aries in the Sixth house of health and discrimination, for all practical purposes, nullifies my ordinary ability to multi-task. Of course, I didn't know what multi-tasking was until I got into computers and the internet. So, I'm rather single-minded.

I can concentrate with great determination long than many folks, and when I discovered I was a natural at something many scatterbrained multi-taskers can't grok, I don't experience a moment of envy. We all need each other, and I'm willing to give the multi-taskers' their due, but honestly, it seems like to me, that they need me more than I need them. Fire in the mountain. I sit still and command respect.

Multi-tasking people who come by it naturally are easy to spot if you're a palm reader. They got spidery little lines running haphazardly all over their palms. Some having tiny little lines running all over their palms and over the sides too. How could I not know what to say to someone with hands like this, and who sots themselves before me and offers me their hand?

It's just crazy to me that people pass by those little palmistry books at the checkout counter and not buy one and take it home to look at their own palm and compare what they see there with what they see in the book. Certain people can't do certain things and need for their own sakes to let it go and git on to the next best thang.

Just like multi-taskers have spidery little lines running all over and around their hands other people have very few lines in their hands at all, and the ones that are there are deep and powerful. Neither type of palms can do what the other one can by nature.

One of the most outstanding demonstrations of this dynamic was the entire movie about Mozart called Amadeus. His nemesis was Antonio Salieri. Salieri got mad at God for giving Mozart the natural talent he couldn't display. Eventually, it is suspected, he killed Mozart and stole his music. Well, at least he became famous for something.

Finding a path with heart might depend on whether what a person seeks is what they can naturally do. When I read palms it was real easy to see fairly immediately when the palm owner wasn't doing something with their life that they had a calling for. I filtered for their true calling with my patter. Sometimes I'd be able to conjure it up from their depths through trickery, and other times not.

The most difficult thing to do while reading palms was to refrain from projecting who I think I'd be if I were what they looked like they might be. It takes trickery to get them to tell me what they'd like to be in order for me to check it out and see if they had the lines in their palms that would support their ambitions. Sometimes they'd get it, but mostly not. At least not right then and there, but I've had people chase me across several states just to be able to tell me that I was right about something I told them. Life's funny that way.

I'm on a new health kick. Aloe vera juice. It's not really juicy at all. I watched a youtube video that showed how to prepare it fresh from the plant. Aloe vera gets slimy once it's cut. Like my friend David wrote, "I thought that slimy part was what aloe vera was."

Nope. The slimy part is what can give you diarrhea. It's what was used in constipation medicines until it was banned by the FDA. That slimy stuff gets washed off with water, and what don't wash off is what works. I spinkle a little salt on it to give it some taste, and wash it down with butterscotch liqueur. Hmmm... tasty!