One of the oddest notions I got from reading all about the new Verizon iPhone is that the whole deal depends on whether or not a customer is satisfied with the service they currently receive from their current provider. If they're happy with the service they get, they faithfully swear allegiance to that provider. If not, then their lousy provider is a no-goodnik and just cause for abandonment. No blame.
It may seem silly to some people that I would spend so much time doing a personal research project on the iPhone or any other cell phone. I've never owned a portable phone of any kind, much less a cell phone. Until the smartphones started getting good marks, now I sort of agree that smartphones is the way of the future, and if I wanna participate I need one. The most ridiculous aspect of my research is that I don't like using a telephone at all. I used to have a job years ago where I was on the telephone my entire working day.
It was my job. I liked the job and the people I worked with, but hated having to talk to customers over the telephone. This probably had a lot to do with the fact that they called to complain their merchandise wasn't working. I was the guy who answered the complaint calls. It was about like being a tech rep for a computer networking system in a huge room full of small booths with each having a computer and a telephone, and technically inefficient people.
Most of the people operating the system I was responsible for were totally ignorant about how to use it, and I got yelled at a lot about stuff that wasn't my fault. That's the weird thing about technology. I never read the documentation unless I'm forced to myself. It's like thinking you can make a passing grade just by showing up for class on time, yet not doing the homework for the class. After that job I grew to dislike telephones in general.
My computer is located in my bedroom on the second floor in front of a large window. When I look out of the window at the trees it's at the same level as many of the tree limbs. This morning they're covered with ice. Since the window is on the south side of the house the winter sun is shining through the ice on the tree limbs from the storm a couple of nights ago.
The weather report is that it's gonna be warm enough today for most of the snow and probably all the ice will melt. Currently the temperature is at 34° (1.1111° C) with not a cloud in the sky. The precipitation on the roof of my house is already dripping. Maybe it will clear up the path my brother and I go walking at night on.
From the increased rate of the dripping in just the last few minutes, and the fact that it is supposed to get even a little warmer, the chances are pretty good that we'll be able to get out and about with little hinderance. It's gonna be real cold tonight. Down in the teens. Fifteen degrees below freezing.
The loss of the subcutaneous fat under my skin due to the aging process also included the inside of my nostrils. Breathing the cold air at a high rate of consumption has a tendency to cause my nose to bleed. I may refuse to walk for that reason alone, but I really feel better if I do walk. I guess I'll have to wait to find out when it gets dark.
I need to go outside for all kinds of reasons, including the inspiration to write stuff. I haven't been out of the house and off my property since Sunday past except to drive out to my mailbox on the paved road. After I'd gotten the one letter that was there I turned around and drove straight back.
Driving to the greasy spoon for breakfast provides me with enough visual and auditory change from my life in the slow lane at home to come up with something that interests me to write about. I just got back from having breakfast. I drove the long way home just to see something different.
My whole life has seemed to go that way. I've traveled so much in the continental United States that I can't think of a strange and different place to go to within three thousand miles. Even if I do go somewhere that's a little different from all those places before, I'll do the same thing there that I'm doing here. Nothing.
I do nothing very well, thank you very much. Sometime, the notion strikes me that I may be among the most talented doers of nothing currently in the world today, but how would I know?