Monday, February 23, 2009

Unknown Tongues

101 "Whoever does not hate [father] and mother as I do cannot be my [disciple], and whoever does [not] love [father and] mother as I do cannot be my [disciple]. For my mother [...], but my true [mother] gave me life."

I'm a little obsessed by this saying in the Gospel of Thomas. I reflect on the meaning of it continuously. I experienced great difficulty with my parents. They're both dead now, but my siblings and I are not really close. How could we be with them apologizing to any and all for having a retarded brother they'd prefer to keep under wraps?

Why would i trust anybody who feels as if they must apologize for being kin to me or who claims on one hand to be my friend, and on the other, meekly apologizing for their attraction to me to others. and explaining their friendship with me is merely an act of compassion?

It's nobody's fault that I'm obsessed with reaching past the mundane methods of manifesting the world because I'm possessed by a calling to stand closer to the fire. I work a vocation as that of a shamed man (shaman). Learning to scare evil spirits away is not for everybody. I'd prefer something a little more glamorous myself, but I got what I paid for, and I always buy cheap in order to pretend what I give away is the pearl of great price.

Imagine hearing all the conversations going on all over the world at the same time. What if they were like drops of water and flowed in rivers that fish could live in and people could swim in. White noise. Pink noise. Noises the colours of the rainbow. All at once. In every language. In every accent. In every tongue ever spoken.

Could one fish in that stream for unknown tongues? Yes, but it's another one of those things that you can't demand proof for in the time it takes to tell it to the world. It takes a commitment in the same way catching a fish does. You might be lucky and get a fish to bite your bait, but then you gotta reel them in before they can figure out how to get your hook outta they throat.

What if you were to pretend you could separate just one of the conversations as a singularity among all the sounds made by all the conversations of the world going on at the same time? To create by imitating one of the voices of that single conversation among all the conversations going on simultaneously all over the world might take some doing. Would it not?

If you were able to isolate one voice from among the many, and repeat it by imitation to some significant other in real time, how would you know what language you were imitating by nayme? What if it was one of the precursors of ancient Ionian Greek that only ever existed as an ongoing vocal event in the oral tradition of that ti-me? Could even a gaggle of university trained institutionalized linguistics who specialized in dead languages tell you what you just said, if the language had never been engraved on a smooth surface?

Are you really a miracle worker if there is nobody around with the kith and ken to recognize you just worked a miracle mojo? Why would it matter if you didn't get the recognition you so richly deserve if nobody knows yo' nayme? It matters because of my most favorite line in the fairy tale world: The better to eat you with, my dear."