I may be quite deluded about what gnosis is, but to me it's about projection. It only took eight hits of purple haze simultaneously to understand the psychological concept of perceiving our own idea of self in other people or things. In other words, we don't see what is there as much as we see what we conceptualize as "being there" for us. I really can't think of anything else a person would have to know in order to rule their own universe than to understand projection.
I'm gonna go over to the Wal-Mart strip mall pretty soon to walk. The side walks are nice and wide and easy to manipulate without stumbling or causing myself problems. I usually do a walking meditation even though my primary purpose if to get some exercise. I use a fairly complicated counting system to keep my focus on my breathing. It's somewhat equivalent to rubbing your belly and patting yourself on the head at the same time. The tediousness of keeping the count automagically keeps me focused.
Recently, in the last couple of walks as a matter of fact, I've been practicing a new sort of breathing during my walking meditations. I draw the air in my inhales by dropping my belly to create a vacuum with my sagging guts on my solar plexus. That action is what sucks the air into my lungs. The only muscles I use is when I squeeze the air out of my lungs when I exhale.
This is not so easy to do when I'm sitting down to meditate. Particularly because I got a bit of a fat belly, and when I let it droop to suck air into my lungs by it's sagging, my belly stops drooping when it hits my lap. When I'm walking, my fat belly doesn't get in the way. It's not easy to breath this way. It's counter intuitive and I have to think it through as I do it. Toward the end of my walk, though, it's easier.
It's my opinion that doing the breath exercises and meditating is a big deal, but nobody listens to me when I recommend it. I don't really blame them when I look in the mirror. Why would they wanna do something that might cause them to end up looking like me?