Tuesday, October 13, 2009

TextEdit Has Become A POS

I don't know how to explain what I do here to the people who ask if I'm a blogger. I just saw an article that claimed to help bloggers blog more efficiently, and that statement itself told me that I'm not THAT kind of blogger, whatever it is that I am.

This is not a diary either. I do write about personal stuff here, and I'm not amiss to boldly claim my opinions are not only correct, but self-explanatory. We both know that's not true. Not all the time. Occasionally… maybe. If the wind is just right and the Sun is shining.

The Sun is shining right now, praise be, and it's about ti-me too. It's been overcast and cloudy with rain for the last day and a half. I've been kinda moody without many temporary breaks in the grayness to give a ray of hope. Is that what "hope" is? A bottom-line knowing that eventually "tha Sun'll come out tomorrow, betcha bottom dollah…"

I'm still sorta half-way claiming that "hope" is the only product anybody got for sale. As long as somebody has got a "dollah", they gone spend it on hope when nothing else will unclinch their tightly-held fist. Hope is all anybody really needs to keep up the pretense that they have solid, from-the-ground-up reasons for living. I'm tempted to hate that too, and people in general don't appear to like for me to remind them of it either. No blame.

They say a person's gotta know the rules before they can break them intentionally. Breaking the rules out of sheer ignorance can getcha "hung from the highest treeee, oh woman would ya' weep for me". ~ Roger Miller

The changes made to Apple's TextEdit really interferes with creative expression. Now, it automatically corrects the spelling when I type even though I unchecked "Correct spelling automatically" in the Preferences Panel to turn it off. It won't turn off. I can't correctly quote people who don't use proper English (but make good sense), because the program changes their English for them whether I like it or not. This is how robots will take over the world. It will nullify playfulness as expendable nonsense. Children will be punished for talking to ice cream cones.

How arrogant! How snooty. How ultimately… useless. This is why nerds will never pass for real people. These wooden-headed control freaks seem without compassion or personal insight into the human condition. That's why they will always have docetic strings attached because of their paint-by-the-number, non-Geppettoian mentality:

