Thursday, March 3, 2011

On Being A Civilian Target For War Games

The brown rice I put on the stove to cook seems to be taking forever to cook. The container said it would take about 20 minutes, and I could swear it has been over an hour, and it's still crunchy. Rice ain't supposed to be crunchy, is it?

Going for the interview for a job as an Instructor at the Community College was stressful, but I don't think it's responsible for what I'm experiencing currently. It must be happening because when I stopped smoking cigarettes three years ago, I didn't actually quit smoking every plant on Earth, but now I have, and the stress I'm feeling is withdrawals that aren't supposed to happen.

The result has been that I'm not winning friends and influencing people as I normally don't today. I'll straighten up and fly right again ere long, and be my normal aggravating self more subtly in the near future.

One of the editors of Al Jazeera made a TEDtalk recently that was very inspiring to me. He talked about how the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen happened and have been sustained by the common folks ability to communicate over the internet through FaceBook and Twitter to let each other know what was going on, and the dictators and religious leaders of the past couldn't stop them with their usual lies.

Freedom of speech and the ability to communicate as equals is what makes the liberty bells ring. I was just thinking about the tsunamis that devastated those areas in the Pacific a few years ago, and how the religious mullahs were blaming the many deaths on how their personal enemies and other religions behaved.

They attempted to incite the survivors to believe that humans were responsible for tidal waves and other natural disasters, because they were not obeying their fatwahs and bringing them more money. If enough people get online those types of disingenuous bullshit will come to a screeching halt. Maybe... '-)

I deleted my skimpy accounts on FaceBook and Twitter some time ago. I set up those accounts to please some of my kinfolk, but soon realized that doing things that way is just not my style. I require much more anonymity than plastering my mug and rude opinions on the internet as evidence of my participation in group think. I guess I'm still under the influence of reading Orwell's book 1984 all these years later.

The rice I cooked was still not to my liking when I dumped a can of asparagus on top of it to heat it up. It doesn't have much taste either. I don't seem able to get anything I cook to taste good no matter what I do.

I just now took a long walk along the creek that goes down to the river that passes through our family land. I took some of the probiotics I bought yesterday, and I feel kind of bloated. I thought the walk might move things around and give me some relief.

About half-way back to my house I got tired and sat down for a while. Spread out before me was a long strip of about a hundred acres that had been disked up by the fellow who rents the land from us to grow corn. He had a crop failure last year because of a drought.

While I was sitting their enjoying the view and the silence two of those strange Marine helicopters (that really aren't helicopters) passed overhead. They're even noisier than the Army helicopters I've complained about. They use any living creature to practice war games on.

The other night when my brother and I were walking on our own property they found us with heat detectors and hovered over us shining spot lights on us to amuse themselves. It's not funny to us. This goes to extremes. Professional killers playing games using the people they're employed to protect for target practice.