My dreams last night were about being in this greasy garage place. There were two shops side by side in this one long one-story building with high ceilings. Most of the people there wore work clothes, but they didn't seem to work much.
I'm still impressed that their awareness of me is in-the-moment, and they don't experience my person in-the-flesh unless they're directly addressing me, but they always know in some way that I am is there in that perspective. Even then, I am is not there in the flesh. Only in form.
It's like I'm out of body and spying on them. Not intentionally spying nor do I appear to have ulterior motives. I'm just there. Seemingly without motive. It's not like I specifically went to this place to check it out. I just ended up there. Maybe for some unconscious reason I don't understand.
The one experience I've written about a lot that seems to relate presently to my lucid dreaming is when I ate enough acid for six people, and subsequently consciously left my body sitting on a couch while I meandered around the room a party was being held.
I approached two coeds sitting cross-legged on the floor in the middle of the room who were just sitting there animatedly talking about their boy friends. I asked the girl closest to me if she wanted to have sex because no one could see me, and she wouldn't have to remove her clothing.
She told me to get lost, but the fascinating thing to me was that she used the same voice she was talking to her girlfriend with, and she used it simultaneous to that gossipy conversation. It was if there were two of her. One knew my out-of-body form was there, and she called it by nayme, and the other was totally unconscious of me as a whisperer.
The lucidity of the dreams I'm having nightly now keeps reminding me of this event. My quaint conversation with that schoolgirl happened around forty years ago, but it might as well have been last night. There is something I must need to learn from it.
What I think I'm learning from that experience today is why I'm wearing these stereo headphones and listening the theta binaural beats produced by the Gnaural software at the same time I'm writing this blog entry. My brain waves automagically entrain to the binary beats of the default theta sequence that comes ready to go, but I am is deliberately reaching for the voice in myself the schoolgirl used to tell me to take a hike. "The shadow knows."
Another crazy thing from my past that sticks to my mind is the popular song in the middle part of the 20th century called "We Three", by the Mills Brothers:
I don't remember many of the lyrics, but the ones that struck me was, "We three, we're all alone. Lost in a world we call our own. My echo, my shadow, and me."
It's my impression that not only was there the schoolgirl, and my out-of-body form in the experience I recalled above, but a witness to the entire situation. The same witness was present in my remembering vision. I read the Moody Blues poster with the usual conscious aspect of myself, I recalled all my former lives with the spiritual aspect of myself, and yet there was a witness who was able to re-me all facets of the simultaneous events.
This brings up the Gospel of Thomas sayings I have grown to appreciate over the last decade or so:
He who blasphemes against the father
shall be forgiven, and he who blasphemes
against the son shall be forgiven, but he
who blasphemes against the holy ghost shall not be
forgiven on earth or in heaven.
He who blasphemes against the father
shall be forgiven, and he who blasphemes
against the son shall be forgiven, but he
who blasphemes against the holy ghost shall not be
forgiven on earth or in heaven.
They showed Jesus a gold coin and said: Caesars men wanted tribute from us.
He replied: Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and render unto God, what belongs to God, and give me what is mine.
All these events use three elements to state their case. In my own case, the "witness" is always me. "Thou shalt have no other..."