Thursday, June 2, 2011

Getting New Eyes

It's been another really hot day. I've spent a lot of it indoors. Some of it in my car whose air-conditioner doesn't work well, and the rest of it either at the VA Hospital or here at the house. My air-conditioner here is working better than I thought it would. Hurrah for that!

The appointment I had at the VA was for my eye cataracts. Fortunately, I was checked out by a new surgeon who decided the opposite of the last surgeon. He decided to remove the cataract in my right eye before the month is out. That's a big deal to me. He had my eye measured for the artificial lens he'll install, and I had to sign a release form. Presently, it looks like it's actually going to happen. 

I am very pleased it has come to this. My biggest fear has been that they would put the operation off again and again, and I'd have trouble passing the eye exam to get a new driver's license. He seemed optimistic enough to predict that after he replaces the lens I won't have to wear glasses. I find that hard to believe, but if it turns out that way I'll be happy. '-)

When I got home from Fayetteville I took a nap to recuperate from the day's events. When I woke up the socket where the bad tooth was removed was not feeling right. This was very troubling to me, but it proved to be a false alarm. I swished some hydrogen peroxide around in that side of my mouth and spit it out. Then, I drank several glasses of spring water. 

The problem turned out to be a little chunk of ginger that got lodged in the socket. The health food store I frequent in carries some candy that I find very tasty. It is candied ginger coated with dark chocolate. It's expensive, so I only bought 12-15 pieces of it, but it became lunch. I ate all of it before I got home. 

Getting my own source of kefir grain got complicated. My friend has a big weekend planned that prevented him from having the time to get the kefir grain from his friend. I couldn't very well complain about it. He got me some from this guy before. It's do-able, but not yet. Next week, maybe...

I was able to get some commercial kefir from the same place I bought it before. They didn't have much in stock. I don't know why. I bought enough to last me a couple of weeks. Having this kefir, and a supply of probiotic pills I have on hand should allow me to replace the probiotic gut bacteria the antibiotics I took for the bad tooth. 

This is an interesting situation for me. I had a rash break out on my chest today. It's troublesome and irritating, but certainly not life threatening. I sprayed some silver colloids on it, and now it seems much better. What is interesting to me comes from a couple of the YouTube videos where a two of the people who made them commented about how using kefir has helped them with skin problems. 

One guy has several videos on the specific results he got from using kefir to cope with his acne. According to him, using the kefir he makes daily not only got rid of the acne, but the scars that went along with it. He claimed that when things are not right in your GI tract, it shows up on your skin. 

Another video had a woman literally taking off her clothes down to a bikini she was wearing to show how using kefir got her slender again after she had a baby, and she claimed it removed the stretch marks associated with that. I believe them, but it seems a bit over the top. 

Since the antibiotics the dentist prescribed killed a lot of my gut bacteria, I'm wondering if that has anything to do with this rash I became aware of today. Obviously, now that I've finished all the antibiotic capsules, I'm gonna load up on kefir and probiotics to beat the band. I should be able to determine if that will some some of the skin problems that have popped up since using the antibiotics. 

Now that I'll be able to see perfectly again with my new eyes, I'll be able to see for myself if that happens. I just love it!