The alarm clock I bought to make sure I got up on time this morning just went off. It gained three minutes during the night. I was already up and sitting here. I actually got about 6 hours of sleep. For a while I didn't think I would get any at all. Now I have two hours to clean up and ride with my brother over to Fayetteville where my appointment for surgery is at 0700. My wait to get the other cataract replaced is just about over. That is, unless they cancel at the last minute.
The biggest problem I have right now is that I was told to stop taking the methotrexate until the cataract surgeries were over and done with, and the old pain from the rheumatoid arthritis seems to be coming back again. Mostly in my wrists and elbows. I won't have to wait much longer before I can get back on my regular pill regimen, and maybe some of the aching pain will back off.
It doesn't have to be as bad as it is, but my pre-surgery instructions were to stop taking the nsaids for a few days before. I think it has to do with the blood-thinning aspect of ibuprofen and the other nsaids I take. In the past when I worked as a pipewelder I had frequent problems with burning my eyes and getting slag in them and scratching my eyeballs. I was always told that the eyes heal in twenty-four hours, and that is what I was told about the eye surgery healing too. I'll be able to take some pain-killers by Sunday.
I'll also have some eyedrops to put in my eyes again for at least a week. The eyedrops have pain-killers in them too, and steroids that will reduce the swelling in my eyes, but pain-killers are pain-killers and they'll help with the discomfort of my arthritis too.
The anticipation I've been suppressing until I find out how the surgery turns out is very pushy this morning. As long as the surgery happens as scheduled in a couple of hours my angst will get better. For the last five years or better the optometrists have been telling me I need to go ahead and get the cataract surgery done, but for one reason or the other it got delayed. Now, if things go as scheduled, it's all over but the shouting.
Gotta take a shower and get ready. I hope I'll see you later. '-)
The procedure is done did. I got a big patch over my left eye, but there is a peekaboo hole on the side of the patch the tape skipped, and I can see some light there with my left eye. So, at least I'm not blind in that eye. How well I'll be able to see out of it will have to wait until tomorrow when I go back to get the patch removed and get the eyedrops I'll have to use for the next week or two, and what will be will be.
The procedure is done did. I got a big patch over my left eye, but there is a peekaboo hole on the side of the patch the tape skipped, and I can see some light there with my left eye. So, at least I'm not blind in that eye. How well I'll be able to see out of it will have to wait until tomorrow when I go back to get the patch removed and get the eyedrops I'll have to use for the next week or two, and what will be will be.