Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Got The Twitter

I keep feeling that what's happening on the internet has been passing me by. My nature is that I wanna keep dealing with the world without learning anything new. Dagnabit! I have loved communicating by e-mail, but hated chat. I just didn't take to the chat format. I signed up for Twitter just to see where that takes me.

I put a Gadget for Twitter on the left side of this blog, and I guess you can sign up to follow my entries by clicking the included button below my latest entry, but I'm not clear on what else to do. Naturally, the first tweet I received was an e-mail saying that some Christian group is following my entries. I guess they're trying to save the world. They can read me all they want as long as I don't have to read their stuff.

When I signed up for an account I was given an option to see whether the people in my address book for gmail were also signed up as Twitterers. Only one guy I don't keep up with much. The sign-up program signed me up to follow his tweets. He's a pretty smart guy, so maybe he'll give me a few hints to get me started.

I described my real interest and vocation in a post yesterday that satisfies me it's my real interest and mild obsession. It seems like practically everything I do is somehow connected to me checking out and imitating those who appear to have it. Charisma is a broad topic that has lots of scope.