Thursday, February 17, 2011

Baldness Is Caused By Stress?

Slow, expensive day. I really needed some shoes I can use for walking with them hurting my feet. My Crocs are really comfortable for messing around not doing anything strenuous, but walking two or three miles, and now jogging part of it, is another matter altogether. I bought some I thought might get the job done, went walking and jogged a little bit, and they seem to be okay. Time will tell.

The articles I read today about the new cure for baldness was extremely interesting to me. What I understood the research to say is that baldness is caused by stress. That was today. Yesterday an MD told me that the psoriasis is caused by stress, and maybe even arthritis.

Oddly, one of the first images that came to mind was the Transcendental Meditation guy, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who had a beautiful head of hair. I just Googled him up and Wikipedia stated that he died in February of 2006 at the age of 94. I had no idea he was dead or that he lived that long. It might be interesting to find out if his bald adherents grew hair.

The temperature was in the mid-70s (20°-25° C) today. It's supposed to be as warm again tomorrow, but by the weekend it's dropping back down toward normal winter temperatures. Exciting... eh? I really don't have much to write about today. The news tonight was terrible. All the State budgets are going to hell and people are getting fired left and right.

Obama hasn't got us out of those stupid wars. I'm disappointed, but not surprised. He struts around like Mussolini, and he's a Leo. Apparently a conflicted Leo. Not good news for the country.

Yeah, I know. I did vote for him. I don't really regret it yet, but what worries me is realizing the U.S.Army runs the United States. The Commander-in-Chief is not in charge. This does not bode well for the home of the brave and the land of the free. This does not make me less tense. I have to get unstressed so that my hair will grow back. '-)