Sunday, July 3, 2011

Being Wise For The Child Within

The entry for yesterday was already written and edited, but I forgot to post it on the web. So, I did it today. Why would I not? 

Associating the lyrics of the big band song labeled Walking My Baby Back Home (to my second childhood) has been a big thrill for me. I keep wondering if the songwriter thought about what happens during one's second childhood or whether it was all about following instinct to hook up and get laid?

In the past when I was actively hypnotizing people and taking them back through their own birthing process I because acutely aware of a certain communications problem. It happened when the subject would return in memory progressively back through their various ages. As a hypnotist I invoked the subject's birthday parties so as to remember each event for later. 

Just about every person I regressed or attempted to regress back through their birth experience balked at my suggestions when we got back to any birthday party less than the sixth year. Generally, their fifth birthday party was a little more tedious to describe, and the forth and the third birthday parties were even more clumsy to find words for. Only once did anybody I regressed could re-member the event of their second birthday. 

Eventually, began to realize the difficulty was incurred because they couldn't talk very well yet. Not only did they have a problem understanding my directions and questions, but before they got their language skills together they literally didn't "have the ears to hear" nor a tongue for speaking a response.  

I needed a workaround for regressing the subjects back to the moment they took their first breath. Just asking them to go there didn't cause them to eagerly follow my instructions anymore. In the end game it was an easy thing to do. In hypnosis it's easy for the subject to create a goodly number of doppelgangers or clones of themselves of any age they choose. 

Well, except for the couple of years before the age of two and previous to their learning to talk. For instance, I would get the subject to create an identical twin of itself any time after the age of reason and have that entity say what the child experienced as if themselves. 

I communicated with the subject through the auspices of it's clone. The clone could talk, and the newborn could not... yet. When I grasped that dynamic we could go back through their birth and then former life times with aplomb.