Friday, September 12, 2008

A Lonely Death

I've been getting leg cramps every night for a while now. It usually requires me to at least get outta bed and make my leg muscles straighten up. It really hurts, so it's a drag, man. I Googled up some solutions on the internet. Seems like vitatamin B-12 is a fairly common solution recommended by the sites I checked out. Here's a weird but interesting remark on this one site:

"Human faeces can contain significant B12. A study has shown that a group of Iranian vegans obtained adequate B12 from unwashed vegetables which had been fertilised with human manure. Faecal contamination of vegetables and other plant foods can make a significant contribution to dietary needs, particularly in areas where hygiene standards may be low. This may be responsible for the lack of aneamia due to B12 deficiency in vegan communities in developing countries."

Maybe this accounts for Montezuma's Revenge.

My body seems to require more and more attention. I've pretty much ignored it as much as possible for the last little while, but the RA (rheumatoid arthritis) makes sure I don't do that so much. I got a bunch of plastic bottles with lots of pills in them I'm taking for various reasons. Only one of them is prescribed. 600 mg ibuprofen three times a day. I don't actually need a prescription for that. The rest of the bottles have vitamins and additives I'm probably wasting money on.

I took them all in with me to show the doctor at the VA to see what she would say. Nothing mostly. She did tell me to take less vitamin D and more calcium, and she ignored the rest.

I write about what's happening at my house and what I think about out here in the woods. Not much seems to be going on now. I only have an occasional visitor, and there is no e-mail or snail mail much. People in general don't seem to be in the mood for communicating. I've never seen so much interest in election day, and yet, I don't hear so many people talking about politics because the atmosphere is so partisan. The natives are restless.

My trip to Seattle seems to interest people. Both the touring aspect of it and the personal thing of seeing my ex-wife and children. I've certainly been thinking about it. I remembered a lotta stuff I'd put on the back burner about how me and my ex-wife got along, and why we broke up. We don't/didn't have that much in common as fair as our family background is concerned. She was raised by business people in the suburbs of Cleveland, a big city up North, and I was raised in small farming villages in the South. Opposites did attract, but they couldn't hold us together.

I've heard that travel broadens, and it did broaden my outlook on life, but I traveled alone most of the time, and I traveled as a beggar. I like to paint a picture of myself as somewhat of a bohemian who just wanted to see how other people lived, and I did, but my view was from the other side of the tracks that many of them came from. I still live a life of abject poverty, but it seems ridiculous, because I'm the only sibling that's poor.

Even my poverty is not real poverty because I have the VA health benefits that many poor people don't have. Other poor people may actually get better health care than I do because the other government programs do more for them.

It's been so cloudy and gray, and rainy. I haven't seen the Sun in at least three days. It makes life droopy when the Sun don't shine. The vitamin D suppliment I'm taking helps me physically, but I need the sunshine to improve my mood. I know now, after my visit to see my ex-family that I'll die alone now. That doesn't help.