He did mention something in the radio interview that was interesting to me. He said he had some software that counted how many time a particular word was used in various documents, and the one word that was used most often in Jewish/Hebrew myths was a word that meant nothingness. It made me wonder if "nothingness" took on the careactoristics it did for him because he was raised Southern Baptist like me.
There seems to be a different outlook on early Christianity depending on whether a person was brought up in the late 21st Century as a Catholic or Protestant in the United States. In my opinion, the real difference is how the Protestants were encouraged to read and study the King James Version of The Holy Bible directly and the Catholics studied everything but... directly... that is.
I've run across stories in the media of how some Muslims only use the Koran for their textbook to learn to read and write. When I was a kid in the Bible Belt the people who lived in the rural outback where I grew up used the KJB, as more than likely, the only book in most people's houses. Probably not much different than the Muslims and their Koran.
There seem to be lots of rituals the Muslims have more in common with the Protestants than either of them have with the Catholics. I'd bet the doctrine of doceticism for one thing. To be candid, I don't know a lot about either the Catholics or the Muslims. The Protestant ways I grew up thinking were written in stone were made criminal by the time I could vote, and the entire society I was taught was good and holy wasn't.