Thursday, January 7, 2010

Immortality Don't Need My Permission


Funny word.. re-cog-nize-d. "accessed or recognized". Re-cog-nate-d_ re-cog-natal? Twice-born ideations worth a second look?An iterative tracking device for being cognitive. Cognitivism as a masquerade gown arrived at by shape-shifting pumpkins that prevents evil step-mothers from spawning competitive, discogent non-princesses that no self-respecting glass slipper would fit their huge, malformed tootsies in? 

It's a lot like "remembered" in a bizarre way. Re-me-more-d. As in, "I remembered the halo-ed more of me and decided to cotch it up to date by re-cogitating who I am was to make sure who I am is not frozen in ti-me. 

Amazing stuff happens (is penned) when and if I am can re-focus "the more of me than the other can see" to an ongoing specious present inside my fingers. I re-vi-sit the more of me than you can see to give them more life. I re-vi-ta-lies them thar lies by being-for-them in their darkest ours.

I'm settling a bit more into the wheatgrass diet. I don't know what to call it other than that. The wheatgrass part of it seems to be the "meat and potatoes" of what I'm doing. It's having a strong affect on my body. Some of it good. Some of it unpleasant. I'm having some headaches I was warned about.

They are the same type of headaches I get sometime when I'm constipated. It's not a nervous tension type of headache at all. I'm certainly not constipated, and that's one of the good things I mentioned above. Yet, my reaction to this diet is as if I'm constipated. My sister-in-law tells me this is not unusual and that it clears up as the impurities in my body are removed.

This is the same rhetoric I've ridiculed in the past as just so much poop, but the fact that I have several incurable diseases to contend with almost makes it look like I should have been more attentive. I may have been in denial about the seriousness of this arthritis. It's not getting better. There are signs of that most every day. I'm just not suffering as much pain because of the medicine I'm taking, but it's there, ripe and ready.

Maybe I am deluded more than I thought I was. It's because I don't think I'm deluded that worries me. The reason I write that now is the video I watched about the neurologist speaking about imitation and mimicry that he became famous for, but I've been writing about it for decades.

This interpretation of the world is the direct result of my having my remembering vision. It's the content of that vision that's coming into the light currently, and not just in the field of neurology. A lot of what seems new to many people, especially science types, is not new at all, but instead is the same ol' thing, but in other words. All I wanted was to understand, my wish was granted in spades.

Understanding thangs ain't the big whoop I dreamed it would be. Most of the dreams I had about it was about being a powerful human being, but none of that appears to make any difference in the face of mortality, and the immortal part of it doesn't need my understanding or cooperation to be what it is without my help.