I've begun reading all sorts of information about diet and natural foods. So much hype to wade through its not really enjoyable. Once in a while I run into some interesting article. I started reading on the site linked below and it turned out to be a web site hosted by a Scientology freak:
The information seemed useful in some ways, but I don't care for cults and groups that try to take over your life. I do believe that for some people it's a fine and proper way to live. People born in the winter months. They like to huddle together as if to stay warm. No blame.
I subscribed to a discussion group on alternative medicine, but they apparently don't have individual e-mails that discussion individual cases so much as they provide all sort of information and all sorts of links to even more information.
I've run across some posts about arthritis that had links that have led me to some dot.org sites that provide articles on arthritis and it's causes. If I've been in a state of denial about the seriousness of this disease it's ebbing away.
The drugs the rheumatologists have prescribed have helped with the symptoms, but the cause and source of it ain't gwine away. It's digging deeper. That's the reason I'm looking into my diet with such intensity. The stuff I'm reading now confirms some of my longest held ideas and guesses about how this situation developed.
Maybe I'm filtering for the results I wanna get, but everything I'm reading leads to diet and allergies. I thought as much. It took me a while, and even then I wasn't sure. I'm still not any closer to what's wot, but I think I'm looking in the right arena now where the bullfight is going on.
I ran across two articles about treatment for some of the stuff I'm concerned with, specifically arthritis and osteoporosis. It's about baking soda. This one doctor thinks many of these problems come from having too much acid in the body, and baking soda kills cancer cells by engulfing them with oxygen.
I supposed everybody has used soda for heartburn. My mother told me not to do it too much because it could cause problems. This doctor don't think so, and points to evidence that says he's right. The actually use it intraveneously to apply it straight to the tumors. Not too much is said about using it orally with water, but what I did read about that said nothing about the affect of overdosing. I might do a couple of glasses a day to see what happens. I need to drink more water anyway, and putting a teaspoon of sodium carbonate in the water can't hurt anything much.