It's a little strange to me that religions and tribes try to take over the world by breeding the most children that will keep the faith. It's not so amazing to me that the Catholic Pope suddenly approves condoms to fight AIDs. In my opinion, the reason they forbade condoms and birth control in the first place was to fill the world with Catholics.
The Muslims are doing that in England if the name of most babies there are called Mohammad, if that's any indication of controlling the world. Bill Maher, the comedian seems upset about it. He has a very funny rap about it that even the NeoCons don't trash. The Jewish doctors insist on birth control to stem the tide of all other races if you listen to the pundits. The Chinese have a law against its citizens creating more than one child per couple. India has no restrictions whatsoever.
To me, none of that has anything at all to do with the fact that this latest frost has killed my last remaining tomato plant grown outside, and if I'd been ambitious I could have saved it by moving it over to the greenhouse with the other tomatoes I did save. I woulda moved it, but it was too heavy for one person, and I didn't wanna ask for help.
It's not that the tomato plant that was killed by the frost and cold weather didn't survive. Cuttings from it have survived the last time I checked. I have two plastic buckets that have tomato plants growing out of the bottom of them.
The plants in one of the buckets had an accident and didn't survive, so I took some cuttings from the now dead plant, dipped them in root hormone powder, and shoved them up into the dirt of the bucket whose former plants died. The cuttings are doing just fine in their new home.
Tomatoes are self pollenating. Who would have thunk it? That's why they do so well in greenhouses. Granted, the plants with the blossoms on them have to be physically shaken to get the spores (whatever) to swoosh up into the air so they can find other blossoms. I'm not sure how that works, but it does.
Another thing I found out about tomatoes with this year's experiments was that the stalks have potential roots everywhere. They don't have to have the cuttings taken from certain places, and it doesn't matter how mature the plant is .
It's not certain in my mind that I even have to use root hormone to get them to develop roots wherever I stick them. I'm gonna experiment more with this during the winter by placing cuttings in some potting soil to see what happens. If it works I'll never have to buy tomato plants again. I can take cuttings from any existing plant.
The fruit I got from the tomato plants I was able to grow for the first time in my life is not so great. Most of them didn't get any bigger than golf balls. A couple of them may have grown as big as a tennis ball. Not many of them matured without some sort of bad spot/spots on them.
That didn't spoil the broth. I just cut out the bad spots and ate the rest. Part of the problem with me not getting what I wanted probably has to do with the kind of tomato plant I used. I think they're the kind that are grown basically to have a long shelf life. They're firm, not juicy. I'm looking for juicy tomatoes that actually rot when they get too ripe.
Cutting gluten and dairy products from my diet is the biggest hassle I've gone through diet-wise. Most of the food in the various restaurants have one or the other in them. I read the ingredients on a package of imitation crab salad yesterday, and sure enough, it listed wheat starch as the fourth largest amount of ingredient in the whole deal. Filler. I guess wheat starch is practically pure gluten. Fried foods in the franchises can't be had without it.
The larger problem for me personally is having to do without cheese and the various dairy product I use. In the past, I've used sour cream by the pint tub mixed with dried onion soup as a condiment for every thing. Particularly vegetables.
Eating dairy products stops up my sinuses and forces me to breath a lot through my mouth. Dairy makes my throat and sinus cavities swell up. I can't imagine how much money I've spent on cold medicines used just for fighting this edema in my haid. Edema! In mah haid, man, whatta drag!