Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow And Broke Cameras

We got about 4-5 inches of snow. Light, fluffy snow that began melting at the crack of down. It didn't stick to the roads so much. When I finally went out for a drive to see how the local neighborhoods looked dressed in white it was still fairly pristine, but by the time I got home again the melting had intruded in the innocence the original snowfall inspired.

It was snowing before I went to bed so I knew the ground would be covered when I got up to look. When I opened the outside door on the second floor that leads out on to a small deck designed to accommodate the outside stairs the first thing I noticed was how the snow had accumulated so neatly on top of the rail banisters. I could immediately see how much snow had accumulated by the sharp delineation of the puffy snow on top of the six-inch planks that capped the deck rails.

For once I was moved to get out my camera and take some pictures. I replaced the batteries with some fresh charged ones and started snapping away. I walked out in the snow-covered yard and took some pictures of the house. I went outside from the first floor just so the outside stairs wouldn't have any boot prints on the fresh snow.

I don't know how to get the camera to work right. It's got lots of buttons, but they're all gobbledegook to me. I'm exactly the kind of un-nerdy bumbler who just wants things to work without me having to figure out how to get them to do what they can do. I don't need so much choice. Not about cameras. I'm the person point and shoot was made for.

I did get the camera to act like it does when it does take pictures that are automatically focused. It's really a wizard at doing that. I've proved to myself by jiggling the camera all around while snapping off shots that I can't for all practical purposes take a bad photograph technically. That's when things are going right.

When I downloaded the uncertain photos into my computer the processing program asked if I wanted to delete the photos from my camera, and I clicked "Yes". That didn't work out too good. There were no picture data in the download, so I got nothing.

"Nothing still ain't nothing, but it's free." ~ Kristofferson

I wrote about buying this camera back when I bought it. I remember writing at the time it was an expensive frolic. Taking photographs has never rung my bell. It's like some weird process of trying to capture time that doesn't appeal to me, yet, other processes about time do capture my fancy.

The stainless steel screened wide-mouth jar lids I ordered through Amazon got here today. I intend to use them for growing sprouts. It caught me off-guard when I realized the jars I'm currently using aren't wide-mouth jars.

I guess I have a choice. I can either cut the screens down to the regular quart jars I have or try to find some wide-mouth jars to use with the lids I got. Finding wide-mouth jars might prove difficult. It's the wrong season of the year for the stores to have canning supplies in stock.

My sprout growing venture seems awkward. It's not falling into place the way I like for my projects to happen. I've germinated some black beans and they didn't look right, so I put them in a planting tray with an inch of top soil. They grew like crazy after they got started good, but they're the green leaf that grows after the black beans germinated, not sprouts.

The oily, hulled sunflower see I soaked to sprout didn't look much like the sprouts I've seen around. I've since discovered that I need to use unhulled sunflower seeds for sprouting. If they're hulled they need to be put in a tray with potting soil. So, I put the hulled seeds I've been trying to sprout in a tray and after one night they already look like they're growing.