Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Cool Day In August

My hands are feeling a little better today. Since I gave myself the middle name of manos 30 years ago, it makes me feel better they're living a little more up to the recognition I imbued them with. Using my hands skillfully is/was my middle nayme. I was a little bit of an amateur boxer. Foot movement was never my long suite, but I had fast hands and a knockout punch. Those were the days for exactly that, and "no mas."

It's two weeks before my daughter's wedding in Seattle, but only a week before my doctor's appointment at the VA. I'm hoping they will give me some better pain-killers before we leave for Washington, but i don't have my hopes up. If I out and out ask for it, I'll never get it. If my story is not convincing I won't get it. I guess I'll break down and beg and hope for some chemical salvation.

I can't believe I actually agreed to attend this wedding. The very idea of having to physically confront my ex-family after they deserted me twenty-five years ago seems outrageous. I'm emotionally distraught and can barely contain my sad emotions. I've always hoped that I was more of a rock than what's real, but the reality of having been distraught rather frequently throughout my life continuously proves my best-case illusion to be a puling, sniveling, pathetic little lie.

This DTV is messing my Sunday morning ritual up. Channel 6 out of Wilmington is usually the NBC affiliate I watch a couple of news show on Sunday morning on. Their digital signal is not strong enough to reach here, and so I'm gonna have to switch to Channel 17, and their schedule is just weird. They can't leave well enough alone.

All this confusion didn't matter this morning because the Olympics games took precedence on NBC. No blame. It's what they do. I watched the USA-China basketball game for a while. The second half of the real time game. The USA murdered them. That won't last forever. All the USA players had been playing the game since they could walk, and they learned to play from guys who had played the game since they could walk. China will have their own players like that soon.

I don't know what the truth is, but I've heard that the basketball teams in Europe are starting to get really good results from their home-grown players. The basketball pundits calling the game today stated several times that the USA team would not have that easy a time for the rest of the Olympics. Any one of several European teams might beat them and send them home to they momma.

Not having a home-grown supply of experienced soccer players puts the USA in about the same competitive place in World Soccer, that China is in basketball. I had hardly ever heard of soccer when I was young. It just wasn't around the neighborhoods I grew up in. Now, the term "soccer mom" is part of people's everyday language. Soccer seems like it might be interesting if I grew up with it, but I was grown and at least middle-aged before it became significant here. It was pretty much the same with ice hockey. Ice hockey? In the South? We hardly ever get snow.