Monday, August 4, 2008


Astrology is not about what's true, but about what's possible. Homo sapiens can't know their own possibilities in real time. Astrology takes this into account by providing the astrologer with an endless supply of human possibles. The judgment or wisdom necessary to work such a system can be very rewarding or a death sentence. Humans do have possibilities in real time, they just can't recognize them as what could be until the chance to make those possibilities real by manifesting them in the sensory realm is gone. This seems like one arena in which the scientific method has to be an artifact.

For instance, the guy who discovered the benzene ring. He swore that he "saw" the answer in a dream. The problem was getting it back to the physical dimension and proving his formula in his research lab. He got it back from the dream world by envisioning it as a snake with it's tail in it's mouth. When he woke up from the dream he recognized his own discovery in the metaphor of the Ouroboros. The snake with it's tail in it's mouth is one of the oldest symbols used by homo sapiens. Its been used to bring a bunch of discoveries back from the dream world, yet none of them are ever the same.

Joseph Campbell called this quest into the dream world to find solutions for earthly problems The Hero's Journey. He describes this process in his masterwork, The Hero of A Thousand Faces. In this theory there isn't but one story in all the stories of the world. The only difference in all the stories ever written by man is the environment in which the story was supposedly created, usually as a creation myth.

I'm speculating that astrology as a methodology sprung out of a need to retrieve information from the dreamtime. It's a way to conquer time by dividing it. The oldest trick in the book. Like shepherds noticing that certain star formations appeared about the same time as the planting season or the harvesting season year after year. Some might have noticed that when certain star formations rotated around into their yearly presentation, the migratory herds showed up, and that it won't no need to sit and wait for them if the stars won't right.

The more man knew about when to plant and to reap his agrarian activities, the more secure his existence appeared. He could predict the future moment when certain activities like sowing wild oats might prove fortuitous. Homo sapiens can't know their own possibilities in real time unless they can recognize the future they created themselves by the indications of their own resourcefulness.

Astrology was the first calendar. It divided ti-me. Astrology is a vegetable oracle. It conquers time by its measurement of the appearance and disappearance of vegetable life in the milieu it's measured. There are mineral oracles too. Astrology is not about the stars themselves, but the ongoing situation they indicate on earth by their predictable annual return. In the northern hemisphere, when they saw the Southern Cross, winter would soon be over and they'd better be ready to plant their crops when the timing was most auspicious. With astrology or any other system for thinking about things the verity of the system depends on the operator. To thine own self be true.