Wednesday, June 18, 2008

God Bless The Chile

Many, if not most of the people I exchange ideas with on the Gospel of Thomas discussion group appear to be comparing the Gnostic Gospels with what they were taught as children in the religious tradition they were brought up under. I understand that and believe they're doing the best they can do. Some of them have compared what they've experienced as adult with what they learned as a child before they came to the group. Some never questioned the dogma they were raised under, and that dogma is what they compared the Gnostic Gospels with. I compare not only the Gnostic Gospels, but everything else with my remembering vision.

This is becoming more evident with me in all my activities. It reminds me of the lyrics to the Billie Holiday tune, "Yo' momma may have. Yo' poppa may have, but God bless the chile, who got his own." It continuously amazes me that I got my own. I don't think it pleases anybody else that I got my own, however, and they let me know it in a thousand different little ways. No blame.