Sunday, June 22, 2008

Taking My Health In My Own Hands

It's so muggy and sticky this morning. I guess I could turn the air-conditioner on and it would dry out some of the humidity, but my electric bill was nearly $40 last month, and I have to watch my pennies. I had to stop taking so much OTC pain-killers because they were causing insomnia. Besides, I'm working this plan with Vitamin D to see if that's the basis of my arthritis.

I was hurting pretty good last night when I went to bed, but I anticipated seeing what good it's doing for me to imbibe large doses of Vitamin D. The generic stuff I bought at Wal-Mart has each pill containing 2000 IU of D3. I took the first pill Friday night, then another yesterday morning, another yesterday afternoon, and another one this morning. According to what I read it takes 40,000 IU to reach toxicity levels, so I"m not worried much about over-dosing.

I'm not all that sure that when I woke up this morning I could tell a difference. I drink quite a bit of water every night before I go to bed so I'm have to get up during the night to relieve myself. Back when I was working I wouldn't have dreamed of doing that because I had regular hours I had to work, and getting up several times a night would have interfered with my getting enough sleep. Now, it doesn't matter at all. I go to bed when I feel like it, and try every morning to go back to sleep again and again. I'd sleep 10-12 hours a day if I could pull it off.

I sorta think the vitamins have helped. It's probably much too early to tell how this is going to work. I can definitely tell something is different about the way I feel. Most of yesterday I sensed a different feeling in my throat where the adrenalin glands are located. I have read a little about how a lack of vitamin d can affect the way those glands work. I just hope the sensation I felt yesterday was a good thing. It's not there this morning.

One of the big deals about Vitamin D deficiency is how it related to several different types of cancer. Especially breast cancer, prostrate cancer, and colon cancer. It's been noticed that victims of these dis-eases usually have a severe lack of Vitamin D in their bodies. Doctors are putting their patients with cancers in their body on a regimen of Vitamin D by injection. They claim it really helps, and they suspect that some of the cancers are caused by a deficiency. They also think it's at least partially responsible for rheumatoid arthritis. I don't figure I can lose by taking a daily dose. That's what the cancer specialist recommend.

One interesting medical fact seems to be that much of the problems humans have with their bodies has to do with inflammation. They say that if a person can manage to reduce the inflammation that happens in the body, then their immune system will work much better. Vitamin D reduces inflammation. It doesn't matter whether it comes by being out in the Sun and having the skin produce it or whether you each a lotta fish. Apparently flax seed oil contains the same anti-inflammatants as fish oil such as cod liver oil.

My mother used to make us swallow a big tablespoon full of cod liver oil when we were kids, partially as punishment, but rickets was a big problem for kids when I was a boy, and the doctors had just begun to realize that cod liver oil could prevent rickets even before they discovered that cod liver oil was full of Vitamin D. They didn't know what vitamins were in those days. These were the days when they realized that Vitamin C cured scurvy in sailors. I hated having to swallow cod liver oil. Not any more.

There were a lot of advances in medicine and technology during the late 1800s and early 1900s. That was a real prolific time for making life easier for people. Aspirin and penicillin were both discovered about this time. It's almost like I got born at just about the right time to take advantage of these life-changing events.

I've stopped practicing the scales on my digital piano. I just had to. Playing through the pain was just making it worse. This makes me a little angry that I have to interrupt the learning, but I should have done the work when I was a kid. I bummed around the country and traveled instead. That was the right thing for me to do. YMMV.