Monday, June 23, 2008

I Sold My Children's Birthright For Careless Love

I don't know what I'm gonna write about this, but it's just too good a title to not at least make up something. I wrote the squib below in a post to somewhere, and I had to realize I was projecting my own sense of self on to others or I would have missed the whole point.

"Jack's life was condemned to mediocrity from the moment his parents took him before Einstein to beg the Wizard's blessing. Jack don't know Jack. He only knows what he was brought up to be. He'll tell you. It's all he's got to say. You have to buy into Jack's dim-witted passion for pedantry because you sold your children's birthright for careless love. It's too late for both of you. '-)"

I have a good time pretending to lure people into betraying themselves through projection. It seems to help me do some serious projecting about myself. My accusations of the other's character is the onliest way I know how to find out what's the deal with me? The projection of my own idea of self upon the other is the only method or tool I possess for discovering the rules of conscience I've unknowingly put on a pedestal of self-aggrandizement. If I don't realize in real ti-me I'm projecting my own idea of what I would be over there, then the jig's up. There are serious gaps in the lies I tell myself about who-I-think-I-am-is. I am (is) the world. I am (is) it's people. Why would I want to discriminate one Pygmalion-like form against the other?

That's what be-co-me-ing is all about. In order to be-co-me (be with me) one has to let go of the notion that their me rates more respect than the other's. Get over it. There ain't but One me, and each of us "thinks" we're it. This is, in my highly disregardable opinion, is the highest mountain or deepest ocean to navigate in creating me-and-thee-ing (meaning) outta life. If you think that each of us has our own individual me, then co-me-ing becomes an impossible barrier that will never be over-co-me by that perspective. When you realize there ain't but One me (including your's), that sets the stage for being able to "be" any one's me, and you're still on the sa-me page. ME, the server and servant.

This topic is still basically about simultaneity. The fact that we're all One in our me-ness (meanness) has to be (must be?) realized simultaneously with all the other projections making their appearance on the world stage rigtht damned now. One of the most obvious examples of simultaneity is the notion of peripheral vision. It's possible to see what's going on right in front of your eyes and still possess comprehension in your peripheral vision. These two types of vision can happen simultaneously without either losing their unique integrity of purpose.

The universal "me" is the backdrop against which individuality plays hide-and-seek. At least that's what I'm declaring for the moment to have some content for this wonderful title. I'm not attempting to declare that there is only the universal me (it's true, of course), but that the individual me ex-is-es at the sa-me mo-me-nt as everything else in all the potential that's possible for it ever. Everything is always potentially anything it can be, but nothingness.

There. That oughta do it. I'm not used to writing something to satisfy a title. Usually, it's the other way around.