It doesn't take much to worry me these days. Presently I'm having to deal with a land sale deal I'm not too eager to engage in that has to do with my siblings and the land our parents left us. I always come out on the shallow side of these deals. The other thing I'm concerned about is being invited to my daughter's wedding. We haven't seen each other since 1982, and the divorce from her mother was not pleasant. I haven't seen any of these people in a long time and my ex-wife's family taught her and her sister to hate me like they do. No blame.
I ate breakfast at the cafe with my youngest brother this morning. He seems quite eager to attend the wedding and had already made the reservations for us to spend 3-4 days out there. The wedding will be held in Port Orchard, Washington. I've never heard of it. My brother had already looked it up and told me it was on Puget Sound. I have spent some time in that area. Since we're gonna have a rental car, I might be able to drive up that big mountain there.
Seeing that 14,000 foot (4,267.2 M) mountain from the Space Needle was one of the more interesting sights I've seen. It may be Mount Rainier.
I hate spending what little savings I have on this trip, but It isn't enough to actually do me any good if I come down with a serious illness. Better to see my family one more time before I die (if I live until August 22, that is).
I haven't played my piano in a couple of days now. I have hoped that if I stopped playing the scales for a while my hands and wrists might feel better. It may take more than a couple of days. The muscles around my elbows and shoulders is what's hurting me so persistently these day. That's why I've been taking some muscle relaxers for a couple of days now, along with humongous doses of ibuprofen and Naproxen. I guess it's helping temporarily for a little while.
I've studied and memorized a number of systems for thinking about things. By that I mean that my familiarity with these systems of thinking is not the problem if they don't show up when I need them. I don't really care what sort of value the other places on the particular sayings I'm working with at the moment. I sorta try sometime to be polite to the fools who disagree with me, but I've reframed that to exist as a condition in which I don't offer up for judgment stuff that riles people up against what I claim the truth is. That's something I found useful in the I Ching. It admonishes that "the Superior man" doesn't go around making claims about this and that, and provides a pretty good logic set to make it's point.
One of the first things I do when I read another person's assessment of such and such or so and so is to figure out what they're claiming. I suspect a goodly number of people look at what I write with askance toward the same end. So, I try not to make claims. Not just claims I can't back up either, but just making claims in general. If i claim something is so or not so, then I gotta be ready to defend my claim. With the question being: Do I wanna spend any time at all defending my claims. Nope, I do not.