Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Futile Effort To Be-co-me My Own Man

How odd. I didn't realize the implications choosing the above words would have on me. Suddenly, I started thinking docetically. What I wrote was merely intended to be a semi-cute title to a ho-hum blog entry. It means I am the docetic spirit that can't become human. I built my castle on sand and everything. I've done everything the wisdom books have suggested (as I understood them), but no matter what I do, I can't become a real human being. Maybe it's time to get another pen name. Pinnochio?

I'm glad the Democratic primary is over with. I voted for Obama in the primaries, but that's no guarantee he'll get my vote in November. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton either time he was President, but I voted against Bush twice. The man just ain't got no ethics or principles in my opinion.

I would go down to the courthouse and change my party to Independent like brothers have. The only reason I haven't is because of some odd loyalty I feel like I owe my father's memory. He was a Great Depression/World War Two Dixiecrat. Most of them switched to the Republican party after the Civil Rights Act in the Sixties.

On the other hand, my father would roll over in his grave if he knew I had actually voted for a mulatto. As far as I'm concerned, I voted for a well-spoken guy who wasn't raised like everyone else. The United States is what it is because of the immigrants. They're more loyal to America than the people born here. They remember what it's like to not be free.

Neither one of the major political parties have my loyalty sewn up, but I guess I do lean toward the more liberal candidate. Particularly since the Republicans ARE the military/industrial complex, they don't even pretend to be for-the-people, but for-themselves.

They're out to rip us off no matter the price. Even if they produce a failed political state, and the country is taken over by warlords. We were warned. This Iraq thing is just disgraceful beyond words. They only had the war to line their pockets.

I feel sort of odd even saying that. It's probably true for all wars since the bejinning of ti-me. War is about power. Power is about money. A vicious circle? I'm not able to say. Like the other children I was raised around, I was put into a government institution to learn government propaganda at the age of six. I remained in the public school institutions until i joined the Navy, and that's where I found out how my opinion was not my own. I didn't start dis-institutionalizing myself until I became thirty years old. I'm still not free of it, but at least I know I've been duped.